Thursday, January 8, 2009

Off to South Dakota

We were supposed to leave the day after Christmas to go to South Dakota but the storm left the roads so bad that we decided to wait until Saturday to go. We left at 6:45 in the morning and got to my dad's around 6 that night. That was actually really good time. the roads were great and other than both the girls getting care sick, it was a great ride. We only spent a couple of days there because we wanted to be home for New Years but it was a nice visit. I always love seeing my dad and my step mom and am always thankful for all they do for us when we are there. We get three FULL meals a day cooked by my dad and my step mom is always trying to sneak and do our laundry! The kids love to play with their cousin Ayden and its just a comfortable place to spend some time. Thanks Dad and Debbie for letting us come and we hope to see you again soon. We love you!

1 comment:

Kevin and Heather said...

I'm glad you guys got back safe. I was worried about you in the bad weather.