October is a crazy month for birthdays so I just want to wish a Happy Birthday to a few very special people.
On the 10th was our good friend Suzanne (no we didn't forget you). Marty and her have been best friends for a couple of centuries or something like that and we have always enjoyed hanging out with her and her husband and most recently her kids. Suzanne has always been there for Marty and I am so glad that he has always had someone as kind as her for a friend. We don't get to see them too much anymore due to us living up here in Logan and them in Clinton but we still think of them often. My best memories of hanging out with Suzanne was when Marty and I went over to her house in Deweyville EVERY Sunday. Never failed and they never got sick of us. Poor Karwin would have to choose between studying and hanging with us watching TV and I think we always won. Thanks for all you have done for my family and I. We miss you and hope you had a great birthday.
Next on the 15th it was my wonderful husbands birthday. I know most of you reading this are probably thinking you haven't heard wonderful and husband very much in the same sentence from me but I guess I am realizing that In Time- Love grows. I have always loved him but recently I have come to realize how much this guy really means to me. When we were dating I was drawn to Marty's sarcasm which is ironic that it is the one thing that bothers me the most but is also the one thing that has kept us going for 11 years (in Nov). I love Marty with all of my heart and appreciate all the little and big things he does for me. Happy Birthday and we love you.
On the 16th was my best friend Kelly's B-day. Where to start I don't even know. Kelly is the kind of friend that everyone wants but no one ever thinks they will find. I don't know how I got so lucky to have her but I will always be grateful for what she has brought into my life. She is the kind of person that never thinks about herself but is always thinking of everyone else. My favorite quality about Kelly is her ability to make a friend everywhere we go. One time we went to Fat Cats arcade and the games kept taking our money and we couldn't find anyone working so Kelly was upset and said she was going to find someone to talk to. Well ten minutes later I see her over talking to the manager who had ended up telling her about his week that had included his kids in the hospital or something like that. When she came back to me she was even more upset about his bad luck than about ours! I absolutely love that about her! Happy Birthday Kelly.
And today- the 20th is my cute little grandma's Birthday. She is such a fun and spunky lady and I am so glad that she is our matriarch. She is always up for something fun and exciting and she is like 75 or something (we don't ask anymore) My grandma hates to drive in traffic but you invite her to a demolition derby and she is all for it. She claps and hollers with the best of them. We are glad that she has moved back and although we don't see her too much she is never far from our thoughts. Happy Birthday. G-ma
Monday, October 20, 2008
Time goes by
I can't believe it has been that long since I posted. Here is a quick update.
Salt Lake was awesome. We went to the Reba-Kelly Clarkson concert and it was soooo good. They both sang each others songs so we got an awesome show. Barbara jean also made a surprise visit and did a comedy act so that was so neat as well. We stayed at the Shilo inn and just had a good time. We shopped and went to the movies and shopped and ate and shopped some more. I am so glad I took every ones advise and had a girls weekend. (guilt kicks my butt most of the time) but in doing these things I have come to realize how much better of a mom and wife I am.
These aren't the best but you can see Reba and Kelly singing their hearts out.
- Kenzie is a walking, talking, screaming monster. She is still so fun but the one thing I requested when I got pregnant was no screamers and guess what I have- a screamer. She has got some temper (must be marty!) She will try to get a toy once and if that doesn't work the right way watch out. The other day her and my friends boy carter were playing and carter obviously did something wrong and she wreaked havoc on him. Pour dude just sat there and took it. Then she breaks my heart when she gets in trouble.
- My beautiful sister in law tara just recently lost her mother. Please pray for her as this has been a hard time in her life.
- We finally got rid of all the pups. Harley is so happy. I know she loves her babies but after so long she starts looking at us like "help-please". She is very happy to be back in the house. (she has issues with peeing so when she is nursing she can't be in my house!) The pups all went to good homes with kids that will love them.
- School, work and life are all good right now. Hope this post finds you all good.

Monday, October 6, 2008
5 days to go!!!
If you are in a "Its the best thing in the world to be with home with my husband and my kids" mood, you might not want to read this post! That's right! Friday night I am off to Salt Lake with my two bestest friends to see Reba and Kelly in concert. Kelly and I thought it would be a good idea to go somewhere for our birthdays this year instead of just out to dinner. We also rented a room for the night so we can extend our girls night and do some shopping the next day. I just can't wait. I am so looking forward to my night without work, kids, homework, and loving hubby. He has told me about 5 times this last week that he just doesn't understand why I need to stay the night and do some shopping after the concert and I am hoping that he will understand when his wife comes home refreshed, after a good FULL nights sleep. I hate to tell him this but every mom needs a night or two out. I know I just went on a mini trip to Provo but hey we still had 3 fun, energetic 8 year old with us. Anyway I woke up this morning and realized that this was the week and had to share. Now I just need to make the rest of my week go by fast!
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