Monday, July 13, 2009

When I Blink....

Can anyone tell me why the first 18 years of my life lasted forever and the rest has gone by in fast forward? I remember thinking in my senior year how LONG it had taken me to get there and how LONG my life was and now I am looking at things and realizing that wow I am getting old and my kids are getting old and this life is going way to fast for me. Ashton is going into middle school- do you know the kind of kid I was in middle school? So I am not pleased that this time has come upon me so fast. Everything is coming at me fast. My postings are getting fewer and farther in between and I am just realizing that two months has gone by and wow I have a lot to tell you. So without further ado and before I blink too much more I am posting to my little hearts content. Enjoy!


Suz said...

Ashton can't be old enough to be in middle school! That is crazy and you aren't old yet, just wait until 40 is creeping up on you and you worry that everyone thinks you are your daughters grandma! No one has ever asked but I am just waiting for it!

Tara Bergsjo said...

going to try and do the same thing! I know how you feel!

tbergsjo said...

I can't believe Ashton is going to middle school. I am hating that Allisen is going to first grade. Good luck :).

Melinda said...

I totally know how you feel. Good thing Ashton is a good kid, hopefully he won't make you get gray hairs for a few years.